Stimmelopolis by Eric Stimmel

nerd score.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I am nerdier than 79% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Snow Crash meditation #1

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

yikes… i realize that i have several unfinished blog posts sitting in here waiting to be thoroughly considered and just shot into the wild and a few more ‘meditations’ swimming around inside my head… so i’m just going to give them a sort of cursory review and get them out… no use waiting until they are ‘profound’ and ‘polished’… that would just go against everything i’m trying to convince myself is right… “alpha is the new beta!” “release early, release often!” “make something that works first because you can’t fix what you don’t have” and so on and so forth… so, here’s the quote for the day…

Until a man is twenty-five, he still thinks, every so often, that under the right circumstances he could be the baddest motherfucker in the world. If I moved to a martial-arts monastery in China and studied real hard for ten years. If my family was wiped out by Colombian drug dealers and I swore myself to revenge. If I got a fatal disease, had one year to live, devoted it to wiping out street crime. If I just dropped out and devoted my life to being bad. p. 271 Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson

i read this and thought yep, that’s true… i’ve actually been thinking along those lines, in some way, for a few years now… after crossing into my third decade [ and with a few years to reflect on it ] i can empathize with this quote… i’m trying to convince myself that it’s not the truth, that i can still be that badMF whenever i choose to, but i’m not so sure… i don’t see myself as a risk-taker in the way that would garner that moniker [ notwithstanding the recent quit your good job to go back to art school then move to new york without a job ‘risk’ ] i’m more of a thinker than a doer [ though, again, i am trying to at least intertwine those categories ] i usually think of myself as a late bloomer… i never really got into computers until after college, i didn’t really have much of a childhood involvement with LEGO like most of my peers… i ease into music scenes and fashion just as they are going out of style [ or if i’m lucky, as they are coming back in ] … in fact, i was only recently called an ‘early adopter’, and only once, about something that i felt after i had gotten into it, was on it’s way out… on it’s way to becoming subsumed by other technology… and to bring this sort of full circle, i only heard about Snow Crash in the last year and just barely finished it! to close this meditation or maybe ramble… i’m not trying to get down on myself or pretend that 32 is old or anything like that… rather, i’m hoping that the ‘corrected for inflation’ translation of the above quote includes me in the desired age bracket… that’s all.

using curl to potentially access gpsd via telnet...

Thursday, September 7, 2006

[ this is more of a reminder to myself to check this out… ] so i saw something in this article called Speaking UNIX, Part 3: Do everything right from the command line and it struck me that i might have been going about the whole stompbox project the wrong way… maybe curl is the right tool for probing the telnet port the gps receiver is on and logging the location… this note in the curl manual makes me think it is possible…

TELNET The curl telnet support is basic and very easy to use. Curl passes all data passed to it on stdin to the remote server. Connect to a remote telnet server using a command line similar to: curl telnet:// And enter the data to pass to the server on stdin. The result will be sent to stdout or to the file you specify with -o.

i will have to try it out…

OAD 2006.08.20

Monday, August 21, 2006

first one-a-day… animated gif for my website… check it out: image

moved in.

Thursday, August 17, 2006
so, we’re moved in. email me if you want my address. i would just post it, but… you know… stalkers. :

anyway, i’m in brooklyn, ny. looking for work. looking for excitement. looking for a shelving solution for all my books and other assorted items du jour…

pictures should follow…

Cranbrook looking to hire...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Director Cranbrook Academy of Art and Art Museum Bloomfield Hills, MI Posted on: Aug 14, ‘06

Archinect : Jobs : Director, Cranbrook Academy of Art and Art Museum

well, we [ the students past ] received an email announcing Gerhardt’s stepping down awhile earlier in the summer… but i guess now it’s public. seems like a big transitional time, these couple of years here… last year Peter Lynch stepped down from the architecture residency and next year will see the end of Gary Griffin’s tenure in metals as well as [ i believe ] Jane Lackey from fiber… and of course Gerhardt Knodel as the director…

big changes for all…

moving day....

Monday, August 14, 2006

today is moving day… well, packing day at least.

it’s so crazy! we’re moving!!


one a day

Thursday, August 10, 2006

alright… i need to get working on stuff… there was a very talented colleague of mine at cranbrook who was diligent about doing one-a-days, small projects started and completed in one day… now, i don’t think this concept was his [ maybe, probably, it was a proposal from the artist in residence ] but i think he was more successful at it than most. not to say he actually completed one everyday, but he did a lot. i’ve thought of doing this in the past and never got around to it and i’m sure i won’t start today [ looking for a job is taking up quite a bit of my time as is preparing to move to another state ] but this is my personal reminder to start working on it… i think it will be a good way for my to actually start making some things that are useful and cool on the web without muddling around with perfecting something forever… do it and move on… i have tons of webspace available and this can be a little portfolio filler material… build a building in sketchup and put it in google earth… make a series of animated gifs and put them on my website… make a qtvr of something and publish it… make a flash animation… write a perl script or applescript to help me update my jlog [ the new name for my joglog as soon as i update it ;) ] that’s it for now… more posts are coming, i just have to finish them!

japanese decay...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

廃墟デフレスパイラル ~ぼくたちの秘密の場所~ alright… so i stole this from you and blogged it myself…

it deserves to be seen by my two random visitors also.

check it out… cool pictures… i don’t know what it says, but it’s worth seeing.

Blogged with Flock

the coolest subway map EVER.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

so fast… so useful… almost perfect.


the most awesome subway map EVER!1


the most awesome subway map EVER!2


check it out here… and good job people!