Stimmelopolis by Eric Stimmel

links for 2006-02-07

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

links for 2006-02-04

Saturday, February 4, 2006

links for 2006-02-03

Friday, February 3, 2006


Thursday, February 2, 2006

When you put something on the internet, its distribution isn’t limited by some cigar-chomping mogul; if it makes people happy, it goes “viral.” It can’t be undone, it can’t be erased.

My Statement to the Wall Street Journal re: House of Cosbys

so… this is Dan Harmon, the founder/producer/distributer/whatever of andy’s favorite ‘tv’ channel, in a statement about a cease and desist order and the threat of legal action by bill cosby’s people… i haven’t seen the show, but i’ve seen plenty of other shows on channel101 and i can say they are seriously funny. low budget in the extreme, but fuuuunnnny.

anyway, i thought i would post this little quote because i liked it… the whole statement is pretty good, really of the now. i’ll be watching to see how things turn out…

technorati tags: webtv, web, channel101, cosby, statement

links for 2006-02-02

Thursday, February 2, 2006

links for 2006-02-01

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

time to sleep

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

it’s time for me to sleep… i’ve had some studio success coupled with many long hours of making that is now unneccessary as a result of that success [ isn’t that always a bitch ]… but now i’m laying here in bed and i can’t sleep… i didn’t sleep last night at all and only caught about an hour on dharmesh and marty’s couch this afternoon. so why can’t i sleep. i’m tired… i’m having a tough time typing [ that could be partially due to the position i’m sitting/laying in ] and i even have the slight onset of a headache… i just watched garden state. it makes me think of falling in love and that makes me happy. i’ll try to go to sleep with those kinds of thoughts rolling around in my head. tomorrow will be for work, laundry, grad book [ ugh, already a day late ], and clear-headedness. perhaps a new update on the old studio blog will be in order… maybe something big… maybe…

links for 2006-01-31

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

links for 2006-01-30

Monday, January 30, 2006

what kind of monkey am i?

Friday, January 27, 2006

well… i too am a chimpanzee… [ and you are? ]

That’s right, chimps are the Einsteins of the primate world (provided you’re not counting that species known as human). That’s why you might find that you’re known as the tinkerer and the whizz amongst your friends and co-workers. Like most chimpanzees, you’re probably an excellent problem-solver and can often find an answer for any conundrum that presents itself — whether you’re trying to escape from your cage, making new tools out of twigs, or figuring out how to lure that cute chimp from the next tree over with your charm and affections. But beyond your brains, you’re also known as gregarious and empathetic — you’d help a little old baboon cross the street and then run off to your next venture. If you’re like your chimp cousins in the wild, you’ll also have an interest in homeopathic meds and will believe firmly in being healthy through exercise and play. Many chimps steer toward vegetarianism, though the natural world won’t begrudge you a meaty meal if that’s more your style. In an argument, you rarely speak without thinking about the emotional toll it might take on the other person, but because you are such a rational thinker, you rarely find yourself in arguments for very long. You tend to convince people of your thought process and resulting opinion with very little resistance. And for you, the best part of the argument is when you can make up — kissing is one of your favourite activities, and one for which you’re known.

but since i had already read that description, i retook the test with a little different slant on some of my answers… i didn’t lie, but there were some questions that i could answer multiple ways and this time i took the less conservative route. so my alter-munkey-ego is a baboon

No party is complete without you! Your extreme confidence means you are never without admirers, though sometimes it might be misinterpreted as cockiness by those who don’t know you as well. But once people get to know you, they’ll realise that much of your allure comes from the inside — that’s where you keep that charm and grace that endear you to all you meet. You are probably not a good poker player because your expressive face reveals whatever emotion is coursing through your primate brain at any given moment. Because you’re so often at the heart of impish trouble, people may be surprised to learn that you can frequently be introspective and self-analysing, and that you are sometimes prone to internalising stress. But your partners will be extremely happy to hear that your skills between the sheets are unparalleled and self-assured in the monkey kingdom. But then, what would you expect from a baboon who’s not afraid to show off their bum in public?

you make the call…