Stimmelopolis by Eric Stimmel

new postings...

Saturday, March 18, 2006

yeah, so a couple days ago i promised a new post here… a ‘revelation’ [ or is it a revolution? ] that i had during our last critique… sorry about that… i had this rev… er, thought, and then i got into a long debate about the direction of a project and kind of forgot about posting and also had the wind taken out of what the thought was about… anyway, at long last i think i can write about it and if i haven’t built it up too much with all of that [ because it’s really not that spectacular ] i will kind of meld it with a personal reflection that followed shortly after the ‘thought’… okay, it was really after a long debate and sort of battle of wills and reflections about my work, my future, and myself… whatever, it goes something like this… we were looking at yuji’s work for a critique and it had been previously suggested that he start exploring processing or some other software visualization tool to help him progress from the primarily rotational variety in his projects that seemed to be a result of the software he was drawing things in [ illustrator or corel draw or something like that ], but this time bill suggested that the work wasn’t really about rotation, that it wasn’t being hampered by that process anyway, and that although he was using computer aided drawing and a laser cutter there was still a ‘quality of the hand’ in his work and that, oddly, that didn’t bother bill… we were talking about the difference between designing a system that could be set up to make something on it’s own versus using automated tools that are in our ‘hands’ each step of the way… [ i’m probably throwing a whole heap of personal interpretation on all of this, but i think i’m basically being true to the conversation… then again, i don’t suppose it really matters, it’s my blog and i’ll write it like i think it. ] and the implication was that because these works were not the result of a complex system that might be set up and put into action with only a rough idea of what might be produced, rather they were fully envisioned in his head and created [ perhaps modified along the way ] by employing tools that were understood or at the very least understood in each execution of them…. the vision of the project was the artist’s. i could ramble on more, but that’s really enough for me to remember the ‘lesson’ and you can take away something too i suppose… the second revolution ;) i had was that my ‘body of work’ [ i love to say that… i never thought about having a body of work before i came here…. ] is about identity. it’s about using hard science to quantify my existence… now, i don’t really know if that’s actually the case, but it sounded good to me the other night and i haven’t tried to break it down just yet. i think in some way i am attempting to view myself as a part of an understandable system rather than a system that requires a break in logic… maybe it’s not possible. maybe the method is flawed. maybe that’s the point. whatever the case, this idea of the unique vision of the artist and the search for self joined together in a certain way for me a couple days ago and made it possible to progress down a path that wasn’t part of my ‘end of the year goal’… so i guess that’s good?

steven k. roberts

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

wow… i can’t believe i haven’t ever come across this guy before. he’s been doing things i want to do since the mid 80s… this is the main link and the current project that i came across, i guess from the makezine archives or some tangent of a web browsing adventure the other day, and then there’s the shacktopus that really caught my attention [ not for the technologically faint of heart… check out the schematic and the progress photos ] he’s also the mastermind behind the Winnebiko and BEHEMOTH projects that stretch back into the early days of his work where i found this little page about how he got started and what he was doing at the time that led to that…

Way back in 1983, I was doing what most struggling young freelancers do: taking on a succession of projects, destroying old passions by turning them into businesses, and trying to make enough money to stay afloat. [ … ] Where had all my passions gone? One afternoon I listed them: writing, adventure, computer design, ham radio, bicycling, romance, learning, networking, publishing… each of these things had at one time or another kept me up all night in a delicious frenzy of fun and giddy intellectual growth. [ … ] Combining the passions in my list and abandoning all “rational thought,” the obvious solution was to simply equip a recumbent bicycle with ham radio and computer gear, establish a virtual home in the nascent online networks, and travel full-time while writing and consulting for a living.

i don’t know about you, but that sounds like the life!


Sunday, March 5, 2006

well… this blog has been degraded to a list of links… [ as was so kindly pointed out by yet another prolific “blogger” ahem… just poking back :) ] but, point well taken. i think i’ll be turning off the autoposting… it’s pretty boring and i don’t use the links from here; i have them on right? if you want to keep up with my links i’m here so add me to your inbox or just check me out periodically…. anyway, some slightly less boring news. i just finished reviews at cranbrook… that was exciting. some good comments that i should probably write down on my studio blog. i also got my laptop fixed. the hard drive just died. fortunately i was still under the extended warranty [ applecare just paid for itself ] able to use carbon copy cloner to get a complete backup [ after several tries due to the failing drive ] which was smoothly reinstalled after reviews in just about 15-20 minutes and all seems to be unharmed. whew. just a reminder… back up you sh!t. i’ve also decided i really love the Delicious Library [ mac only… sorry pc-ers ] and although the DeliciWeb plugin doesn’t do the application justice, it’s still pretty cool in it’s own right and gives me a way to publish my library on the web. ahh… good times. that’s about all i can muster right now. hope that’s okay with all 3 of my readers… i promise to muse a little more often and a little more interesting in the future…

links for 2006-03-05

Sunday, March 5, 2006

links for 2006-03-04

Saturday, March 4, 2006

links for 2006-03-03

Friday, March 3, 2006

links for 2006-03-02

Thursday, March 2, 2006

links for 2006-03-01

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

links for 2006-02-28

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

links for 2006-02-27

Monday, February 27, 2006