Stimmelopolis by Eric Stimmel

Back in California

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

We’ve been back in California for almost exactly five weeks now and while there are (and will probably continue to be) some things I miss about New York, I have to admit that our quality of life has gone up significantly since our return to the west coast. The weather has been amazing and our new apartment lets in so much light through its east facing windows that you can’t help but start the day off early and with a smile on your face. As a substitute for Jenn’s favorite time of day, “glowy building time,” we are now able to enjoy “glowy room time” as the sunset beams though our west facing windows in the evening. Yes, you read that right, east and west facing windows - try that in an affordable apartment in New York! All of this sunlight makes us happy and after receiving our first electric bill today I can add that it makes our pocketbook happy as well. It’s been a fast paced arrival though and we have filled our days, no doubt. Even though we were swamped with wedding planning mania (still going full tilt), I started work a mere five days after we arrived leaving much of the difficult home-making work to Jenn. Thankfully she tackled it like a champ and I chipped in where I could. I also decided it was time to pick up my training again and thanks to a schedule put together by Hal Higdon and handily added to my Google calendar by, you guessed it - Jenn, I have logged almost 25 miles of runs. Together we have added another 10+ miles of hikes exploring the green-spaces within a short drive of home. There should be more posts (and pictures next time!) soon, so stay tuned!