Stimmelopolis by Eric Stimmel

so much...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

there is so much to do here and i haven’t posted anything about it in such a long, long time. so, i don’t really know where to begin… a couple of weeks ago i went to Eyebeam to see a sort of performance/exposition at Upgrade!… it was three electronic musicians [ i can’t remember all their names, but i’m sure it’s archived on the eyebeam website somewhere ] here’s a little clip of Jamie Allen.


jenn and i also recently painted our apartment. of course true to form, we are not finished yet… we cleaned as well, though you won’t see that in the picture, since we have a guest coming for thanksgiving weekend! jenn’s former roommate, birgitte is on her way as i write this… here’s a view of the freshly painted west wall…

wall with NEW stripes

i know there are many more things to write, but i suppose i will just have to gain the discipline to write more often so i can keep up!

happy turkey day!!