Stimmelopolis by Eric Stimmel

so much to write....

Thursday, March 30, 2006

…and so little time to actually write it. of course i should be working right now… i said i would work, but my mind is thinking of the future… always optimistic, but that little twinge [ okay, maybe more than a little twinge ] of realism and practicality with a twist of slacker is there tainting my thoughts… in one of our reviews this semester that word came up - taint - and i made a note in my notebook. [ the little one that fits in my pocket ] it said something about the way the body taints our work, but rather than that being a bad thing, it was good… or at least not black and white bad… nothing is quite as boring as black and white bad or good… anyhow, i’ve always liked that word…“taint”… i so rarely have an opportunity to use it in a sentence… [ hehe ] but the idea that our human-ness, the fact of our body, the flesh and corporeal… the fact of that confounds and leads [ as if with a leash ] our work, our thought, our actions and desires… there’s this other thought i had during a critique [ a different one i’m pretty sure ] about the subtle difference between an autonomous system and the willful execution of a series of actions [ maybe of the same system ]… the presense of the artist/designer/architect and his or her considered act is what opens the door for the poetic… the way that decision taints the system is the key i’m beginning to think. i don’t know how to weave this all together and i am a little tired and wired [ coffee, yes please ] and there is music distracting my contemplation, but i guess i’ll just keep it here and revisit it.