Stimmelopolis by Eric Stimmel


Thursday, September 29, 2005

today we held a breif meeting to discuss the future of ‘the trailer project’ [ mental note: we need a better name for this thing ] in which i assumed all involved parties would bring a short written statement about what they they thought their involvement would be with this project… i thought this because when we met a couple days ago i am pretty sure we said ‘thursday morning at 9am we will meet and bring a brief written statement about what we think our involvement will be with this project. this will be given to everyone so it can be digested since we won’t have time to really discuss it.’ so you can see my [ petty? ] irritation when only two of us showed up with a statement… [ well, one person showed up with a photocopy of an excerpt from a journal… but only one copy ]

anyway, i am feeling a bit like this is how it’s going to go this year… no one wanting to commit to anything… everyone sort of willing to do some grunt work, but not really so invested in the conceptual… maybe i am the one who is on the outside here. i’ve thought of that possibility. i’ll just have to make an effort to get ‘in’ with the core group… find out who is really committed and doing something that i can build up a dialogue with and at least get a bigger, better picture.

on a brighter note, i came across a blog [ right here on blogger no less ] of one of the first year students in architecture. he’s the other guy who brought in a written statement… i like his blog and we have some similar ideas about the travelling trailer project… i hope we can work together and make some headway soon.

i’m also going to be fooling around with a wiki i set up awhile back, but haven’t touched for a couple weeks… i think it would be a good place to put some thoughts about the cranbrook flying circus on a flatbed project that i may or may not share with the other students… depending on how well it works out. i also have plans to migrate this blog to wordpress [ i know, i know, i’ve been talking about it forever ] as well as the studio blogs [ this is really the motivating factor ]

well, that’s about it for now… enough hurrumphing, not enough working… bye.