Stimmelopolis by Eric Stimmel


Sunday, September 25, 2005

it’s been super busy here since school started… you, my faithful readers who haven’t abandoned me for lack of material, will probably have figured this out since i have posted nothing for so unforgivably long..

however, i am here now and have some thoughts to share… while i should be researching flight information for several upcoming events, i have just returned from a panel discussion [ actually more of a sales pitch as it turned out ] which included david lynch and john hagelin and a couple other speakers… it was prompted by the david lynch foundation’s desire to set up some kind of permanant education system to teach transcendental meditation across the nation to young people primarily… it was cool to see david lynch [ one of the directors i admire above most ] and there was a nifty live demonstration of brain wave readings showing the more ordered brain waves during meditation and the more chaotic waves of a waking state of a student of fred travis [ the other phd on the panel ]… after that it was not so interesting… not so involved… more of a pitch. but it was in ann arbor and i got to go see that town and a couple of it’s record stores. which was nice. i think i may go back to that place again.

on another note, i’ve been feeling a little disconnected lately… from studio since i have been working outside of the studio most of the beginning of the year and from family and friends as i have neglected to call or write or even post what i am doing here in my blog… i guess i just have to make an effort to sit down and collect my thoughts here more often. it’s been fun working on projects that take me away from the computer, but i realize that i use this device as my main form of communication and because of that i need to make time for it to be part of my daily routine.

i’ve also been thinking about some ideas for the cranbrook film festival… since i was unfortunately forgotten last year, i think i will just submit multiple pieces this time around… just to make sure i get in! or maybe i’ll have an alternative festival at another location, just to spite them! haha! okay… maybe not… i guess it was an honest mistake last year. more later…