Stimmelopolis by Eric Stimmel

i can feel the end of summer calling...

Friday, August 19, 2005

and i need a little more time.

well, maybe that’s not really true. i am feeling like this is the busiest i’ve been all summer. working in the museum, deinstalling work for students who have left, working on the studio… and also trying to get some reading done and some movies watched… forget about the projects i wanted to start or finish this summer for myself they have been left in the dust [ well, i’m sure i will get around to them once school starts ] and then the other day i decided i might be better off living off campus next year, so i have been looking around at some places in pontiac.

on top of that, i will be leaving for ohio next week for my cousin’s wedding and then i apparently have to jetset out to LA for a deposition [ yep, that’s finally rolling around… found out today ]

ugh… and since i’m sort of whining here i’ll just add a little venting into the mix…

so, in california when your vehicle registration is due, the dmv sends you a polite little reminder [ quite a while in advance if i remember correctly ] telling you what you need to show and where to mail the payment and all the things you normally expect to see on a bill… apparently michigan does not believe in this… they don’t send you a reminder and they police who enforce this [ and incidently, the ones who pulled me over for driving with expired registration the other day ] don’t believe in polite reminders or waiving the rather hefty fine for this once the problem is fixed… the only good thing is that you can pay the fines by credit card online… that’s convenient.

doh! so… enough complaints…

the dream cruise is happening tomorrow! i’m kind of excited about that…. we’re going to sit out in front of the school and bbq while watching the classic cars drive by. the weather has been beautiful lately and i don’t forsee any change tomorrow so it should be great.

off to watch the bourne supremacy here now that the hockey camp kids are out of the dorms and we have our lounge back…

i’ll leave you with a little internet find of the day… meet fredryk phox and a peek into his leisure time… [ again, it’s a long video and kind of on the strange side ]