Stimmelopolis by Eric Stimmel


Friday, June 10, 2005

i’m long overdue for some updates here i know… i’m sorry for that, but that’s just how it goes when you have a really loose schedule.

i’m sitting around campus here waiting to start work on the ‘remodel the studio project’ but i’ve been [we’ve been] asked to hold off on work until the paperwork goes through… ugh… i suppose if it means i will be covered by the school’s insurance i should and can wait. it’s actually kind of a nice break too as i may have mentioned before… lots of time to catch up on some me time and just enough free time to become addicted to another digital distraction. yes, i am now completely addicted to webcasts and podcast [even without the ipod, which is looking all too attractive considering]… i was so happy to find This Week In Tech [quickly renamed from Return of the ScreenSavers for legal reasons] a resurfacing, of sorts, of my favorite deceased tv show, The ScreenSavers. i think i actually found this thru kevin rose’s blog while learning about the release of his new web tv show Systm, a different and perhaps sanitized version of his older, still active, thebroken which is a little on the silly side of things, but still better than anything i can find on the new G4TechTV… [sigh]

anyways, there are more and i have been listening to them constantly for the past two or three days between placing orders for electronic parts, that i can’t find at radioshack, for my next project [to be unveiled later…] and taking walks around the campus [when it isn’t thunderstorming!] in fact, i am so excited about this media and its ease of distribution that i am considering putting one together myself. maybe that’s wishful thinking, but over dinner the other night we [the ubiquitous ‘we’ - actually me, andy, ginger (this was her farewell dinner - off to a teaching fellowship in north carolina - bye ginger!), ryan, cy and kelly - not all of whom were involved in this conversation, but whatever] decided that it would be called ‘Widger… and the MunkeyBoy’ hehe… well, enough of that…

today i went to install my first piece of artwork… well, the first piece of my artwork that someone bought… actually it’s a piece that ben and i completed, but only i went to install it… it was cool. it’s in a lawyer’s office and while i was there i noticed, among the large quantity of art in the building, two pieces of work by classmates of mine. anyways, i don’t have a good digital camera, but i do have a nifty camera phone [that takes some fairly blurry pictures sometimes] and so i snapped a few pictures of it after i installed it. they are on my moblog [which i have been trying harder to update lately] i think there are four pictures there and those may be the last photos i get of that piece :-( but it looks pretty good in the small conference room… even if it’s a little hard to tell in the photos.

well… andy is watching dog day afternoon in the other room, so maybe i’ll go join him… oh! wait!… almost finished downloading the new Systm episode!!! have to watch that… ;-) it’s good to be on the mailing list… advance copies!