Stimmelopolis by Eric Stimmel

doodles of the hand variety

Friday, May 6, 2005

well… alot has happened in the last couple of days… the last week really, but i am not in the right frame of mind to get into it right now. the semester, the year, is coming to an abrupt end and i am just now in a position to stand back from it and reflect… i realize the things that have and have not happened… at least as i had it planned 10 months ago… without sounding too melancholy [quiet smile] i had a great year… just a couple notes from the past week… i made a 2 minute film for the CAA video festival in one long sleepless night, i created a hand crafted case for some laser cut cardboard tiles i had laying around for the student auction which i am very happy with, i tracked my movements driving and walking with a gps receiver and my laptop for my final review which was slightly underdeveloped and not [i don’t think] convincing as a project or an idea for a project, we took a tour of the masonic lodge in detroit this afternoon which was kind of freaky and disappointing at the same time it was intriguing for those reasons… and then we made it back to campus in time for the video festival which aired tonight only to find out that the organizers had forgotten to include my video… :-( oh well…. on the brighter side of today, i found out that i won a merit scholarship for next year… one of three people in my studio. that puts a smile on my face and gives me a little more confidence in the work that i am doing… maybe… anyways, here are a couple images of my ultimately futile attempt to keep my eyes open during the last day of critiques… i’ve decided that drawing on myself is less a result of boredom and more a way to maintain a focus and a concentration… i’ve also noticed that it feels good on my hand… not sure if i ever really payed attention to that before…

oh, and i slept for 18+ hours last night… much needed… now off to lounge for a real celebration!
