Stimmelopolis by Eric Stimmel


Thursday, April 28, 2005

i’ve received a couple gifts in the last couple of days and haven’t taken the time to make note of them. first i received a care package from mom which always makes me smile. thanks mom! next i received an email from a friend in denmark who i haven’t heard from since she had her baby… now she’s sharing her world with curious young eyes for the very first time… it’s always nice to hear from old friends. third i got a nice little gift card for the bookstore down the street from one of the second year students as thanks for helping install some work. so i treated myself to Digital Ground by malcolm mccullough [a book i have had my eye on since before his lecture here a few weeks ago]…anyways… back to work… oh, one more little thing that i haven’t been doing that i said some time back that i would do… here’s a picture of a hand doodle… not very spectacular, but whatever it looks cool in person… kind of streamlines my wrist.
