Stimmelopolis by Eric Stimmel

a game of love and chance

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

during a crit on one of my projects i was asked why i wanted to make an instruction manual for how to build it… it’s a good question and my answer was something along the lines of… well, initially i thought ‘i come from architecture… that’s what we do, make instruction manuals’ … but what i said was a poorly phrased, if even coherent elaboration of the idea that paul virilio expresses at the end of an interview

“Play at being a critic. Deconstruct the game in order to play with it. Instead of accepting the rules, challenge and modify them. Without the freedom to critique and reconstruct, there is no truly free game: we are addicts and nothing more.”

of course his comments are more about the social implications of technology on interpersonal relationship while i was more concerned with dismantling microphones from radioshack… but the spirit of the argument is the same… if you become complacent and un-critical of the way technology invades your life, insinuates itself into everything you do and are apart of… you will never be in control… you will always be addicted…

i’m not sure if i can fall outside of the grasping fingers of that addiction, but i strive to challenge and modify as much of it as i can…