Stimmelopolis by Eric Stimmel

more me...

Friday, April 15, 2005

so, as if i needed more exposure on the web, i have set up a website for future development [please don’t give me too much grief for the state of it at the moment… it’s very, very much a work in progress] and perhaps the base of operations for some future projects…

anyways, it has another blog [i know, just zip it] that is served from my web host… it runs on WordPress, an open source software that looks pretty robust and easy to use… even though it took me a little while to set it up [chalk that up to never having dealt with .php files or sql databases… like, ever] and the fact that it’s open source usually means that it doesn’t just do things for you, you have to kind of know a little bit about what is happening… which is fine, because it’s usually better to know those things anyways… point being, i like it. and it will have content at some point. but we’ll have to see how the ebb and flow of these various outlets changes what i do and where i do it… until next time…