Stimmelopolis by Eric Stimmel


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

i’m always thinking of things to write about on this thing while i’m driving or walking around campus… and then when it comes time to write them, i’ve forgotten most of what i wanted to say… AARGHH!… anyways, i kind of just needed to vent that a bit… maybe things will come back to me later tonight while i am still sitting here…

i feel like i haven’t been doing any work lately… just some reading and wishful thinking about projects… unfortunately i don’t see that changing much… i am presenting [as part of a group of 3] a discussion topic for our studio seminar tomorrow… we’ve been reading Ulrich Beck’s books The Risk Society and Reflexive Modernization and broke up into groups to research and present an actual crisis of the built world and what we [as architects, builders, planners, etc.] can do to address this constructively… our topic is slightly broad… we are planning to talk about production methods and their implication and effect on local economies and the environment… anyways… rather than explain it all here [which would probably not be such a bad idea] i will get back to actually reading about this…

ugh… also need to try to get a job!!! summer is coming fast and furious…