Stimmelopolis by Eric Stimmel

another boring technical discovery...

Thursday, April 7, 2005

i know, i’ve been rather sparce with the thoughtful ponderings lately, but i promise i will be back, and in rare form, soon enough… i’ve had much to spark the curious processes of my mind these last few days and many words that i am itching to put in ‘print’ for others to ponder in their own curious manner…

but, [note the emphasis…] i have made one of those marvelous little discoveries that can’t help but make the geek in me glow with satisfaction [and maybe kick myself for not discovering this sooner] at the ease at which i can make one of my biggest web-surfing pet peeves evaporate almost completely with just a couple of keystrokes…

it’s called Bookmark Synchronizer and it allows those users of Firefox [those who use other, dare i say lesser, browsers will need to find other means for doing this] to upload my bookmarks to a FTP server [which i recently obtained… to be announced at a later date] and shared with any other computer i own… [all behind the scenes once it is set up, which only takes about 10 seconds…] so, my laptop and my desktop can save and update bookmarks until the end of time and i will never be without that one link that i need and know i bookmarked on my other computer, but can’t remember how to spell, or even what it was, save that it was something extremely important and time sensitive…

of course there is always but i looked at that and it seemed too public and too tedious… maybe i just don’t know… but another day will reveal the end of that story… until then, i am quite happy and you could probably be too… if only you used Firefox….