Stimmelopolis by Eric Stimmel

sin city

Saturday, April 2, 2005

so, last night i decided that it was a good night to take a break from studio… actually i don’t think it was really a good time to do that, but Sin City was opening and i just couldn’t pass up going out to see it… even if i had to go by myself because no one else wanted to see it… some people just have no appreciation for quality cinema these days… anyways, it was awesome… watch the trailer, realize that moviemaking is watching one of it’s greatest assets prolifically fill our world with work that is both smart and entertaining, and go see this movie.


of course, after the movie i went to lounge and played some shakey pool and stayed up far too late for my own good… i did go home before the sunrise though and at some point i realized that i had missed the chance to wish a dear friend happy birthday… i’ve never been good at remembering birthdays and i think i am relying on friendster here [and there’s a possiblity that that information is false…] but anyways, in case you are reading this and it was your birthday yesterday…
