Stimmelopolis by Eric Stimmel

2D crit...

Wednesday, March 9, 2005

well, i had the crit on my [and jessica’s] project entitled ‘assisted speaking devices’ today… it was a pretty resounding success… the process of critique in that department is slightly different than that in our department and frankly i like it a lot better… of course i didn’t feel that way initially, more just interested in the process, but after sitting through many i feel like it puts more pressure on the work and less on the speaking-at-the-crit moment which can be a moment of fast talking to evade critical issues or a moment when you can explain away poor design [or lack of design]… more focus on the work and less on the talking your way through an incomplete project… desk crits will suffice for that i think.

anyways, i will upload some pictures to this and my studio blog later… don’t have them here and haven’t attempted to figure out how to upload images from a mac… but suffice it to say that the work was well received and functioning for the crit. hooray!! now, on to chair design and waiting for friday’s crit…