Stimmelopolis by Eric Stimmel

new books! new books! ...and epoxy resin

Sunday, January 16, 2005

i love getting new books… and today i got three….

i also ‘reviewed’ a couple reference books that a friend recommended…

both by Eugene Erlich… very good, but i couldn’t force myself to spend the money for something that would, unfortunately, not be used much… i find that i use the internet and it’s various search engines and wikis a much more readily available resource… and as i discovered not too long ago trillian [my IM client of choice for PC lately - see fire for mac] links directly to wikipedia for almost all the things you type into it… very nice…

i also finished [at least i hope i have finished… much work needs to be done after this part] coating my cardboard forms with epoxy resin… now i just have to figure out how to clean up the mess… ugh.